Wednesday, August 14, 2013

basically, an apology

I must apologize to my followers. I haven't been keeping up with my blog posts as I should have and I am sincerely sorry. So, as you must be dying to know what has been going on in my life since you last read, it is as follows:

  • I participated in FAIR WEEK
  • I am almost done with summer classes
  • Soccer practice began
  • My boyfriend left for college
  • and....I GOT A NEW LAPTOP!!!!
I will start with the one that interests me the most; my laptop. Can I just say how amazing this thing is? Yes, it does come with only windows 8, but I have a hard time hating that when it has a TOUCH SCREEN! It is called the lenozo ideapad. Go ahead and google it. I'll wait.......for those of you returning....RIGHT????? It is amazing. If you want an awesome laptop, I def recommend this one.

Enough with the salesperson shit (Best Buy should hire me for this), my next topic should be fair week. Who doesn't love getting up at 5 everyone to go feed, bed, wash, and milk cows at the fair? And then spend the rest of the day there. Oh? You mean not everybody lives like that? I knew  mamma was lying to me! Oh well, it is only for one week out of the year. And I had to work so the responsibilities where thrown on my brother and younger sister.

Summer classes. Woo. *note that there is absolutely no excitement in this topic. The only thing worth celebrating is the fact that I just finished my final and I am thrilled. I hated the class, the people, and the teacher, end of story. Why didn't anyone tell me college was gonna be like this???

Does this look fun to you???

My boyfriend leaving for college isn't as upsetting as you may think it is. I still get to go out and see him and it's our second year doing this anyway, so I'm not overly worried. His plan is to be a vet. Fingers crossed that he will make a lot of money one day and I can just be a trophy wife.

Lastly, soccer. My legs are killing me. I literally can't walk from one end of the room to the other without limping halfway through. On the bright side, I'm pretty sure I am getting a starting spot which has me super excited. And the girls on the team are amazing (17 girls all together every morning at 7 and no fight has broke out yet. Who knew?) I'll have to keep you posted on how I am doing because I feel I have a right to brag about my superior soccer skills. That's a lie, I only have my speed to help me out here. So, ya. That's basically an apology and my life story all rolled into one. :)

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