Sunday, September 15, 2013

basically...road trips

I am on the women’s soccer team for my community college.  I'm also a starter (pat myself on the back).  Being on a collegiate team means that sometimes you have to go to games at other colleges.  Even if they are 3 hours away. *Sigh*  Imagine 17 girls, 20+ boys, four coaches, a cranky bus driver, and two duffle bags of food sitting on a bus for 6 hours at a time.  And there is only one bathroom.  This isn’t even the bad part!  One of the first games of the season I fell during a game and, cover the kids ears, bruised my butt.  It’s better now, like, I can walk with our crying.  But I cannot sit on a bus and expect to fall asleep when every 5 minutes I have to change my position so I don’t get bus cramps.  Well, we have to be at the school to get on the bus at 7:00, drive to another school and play at 1:00, wait for the boys team to get done after us, stop for food on the way back, drive again for another few  hours, then get home and get to bed.  And expect to get up the next day for school.  So I have to be awake from roughly 6:00 in the morning to 11:00 at night.  And I'm one of those people who need sleep or I become very hostile.

Me and my girls not sleeping when we really should be....

It isn't so bad I guess.  I watched Pitch Perfect for the first time on the last bus ride and it inspired all of us to have a sing/dance party the entire way home.  I was even serenaded by the two Spanish-speaking boys on the team.  Not that I knew what they were saying, but it was still sweet.  But basically road trips with the teams can be pretty hit or miss, but memorable all the same.

(Since the original writing of this post, I attained an injury to my ankle and am out of commission, so to speak. I'll keep you pun intended)